I write books that educate and inspire . . .

. . . so if you're more into becoming inspired to live your best life, I've written several that are crucial to the beginning of your spiritual growth journey. Principles of FORGIVENESS and LOVE, and why we often go through the struggles that we do. Check out, There's a Flower in the Garbage: Why Suffering Can be a Beautiful Thing. It's one of my best sellers and only takes an hour or two to read depending on your pace. I love writing true stories about people, too, like the one below about my friend Mary.

Yvonne G. Williams, Author

My Newest Release, "Inspiration for Life's Great Journey"

Insights for Living

Inspiration for

Life's Great Journey

If you want to bring purpose into your life, this book of inspiration will help you gain insight and a clearer understanding to some of the issues you may encounter along your path. Let’s start with your reason for being on planet earth.

Do you consider your life to be a gift? You should, because it is, even though you may be drifting through life wondering, what is it all about?

In this book are the topics the author felt that most people tend to struggle with throughout their journey on earth. Each topic contains a message about the quote, scriptures that relate, a true story from the author that relates to the topic, and a poem. You may feel connected to some of the real-life stories. Some may cause you to dig deep within your soul to unravel the meaning. Enjoy!

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Available in November 2024

A True Story

What Really Happened

to Mary

So many of the population, especially those who read, love a good murder-mystery, whether in film or in a book, except when it’s someone they know. However, this story is not a mystery; it’s a true story about the murder of a beloved classmate, Mary Halsey Dossey, when she was only thirty-one years young.

My name is Yvonne Johnson Williams, and together with Luann Knopp Phillips (Mary’s best friend), this book was written to tell her story. I met Mary in second grade when I briefly attended Ellenton Elementary School in Ellenton, Florida. I was only there for five months.

She and Luann befriended me when I was a new student in January of that year. Later, in 1966, we went to Junior High and High School together until my family moved to Georgia in 1968, the summer before starting tenth grade. This is our story.

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$12.99 from Yvonne

Books That Inspire Spiritual Growth

The first step to freedom instead of the last

Forgiveness: The Missing Link

to Wholeness

Christianity has become an institution of multiplied and diverse beliefs, so it often overlooks the teachings of true fellowship. Forging beautiful relationships is part of Christ’s mission based on an understanding of the relationship between an individual human and the Son of God — and this truth is dying.

Since we tend to rely upon our own human emotions and mindsets, we have adapted ourselves to an erroneous characterization about what the life altering force of forgiveness accomplishes.

Our belief systems often contradict the truth about forgiveness God’s way; they may include selective reasoning about who is worthy (and who is not), of receiving it. We must awaken to know Christ's intent.

Buy Forgiveness: The Missing Link

$9.95 from Yvonne

What the world needs now

is Love sweet Love

Love Is: A Unifying Force

Depending on how interactive we are with others, most of us use the word love many times throughout any given day. We use the word love to express how we feel to our spouses, our children, our friends, our extended families, and generally those who communicate love. That is easy. Anyone can reciprocate like for like.

The more difficult task however, is giving love to those who are not giving it back, or to those who are acting in hateful and / or hurtful ways. To love someone in the midst of their darkest hour is truly the only time that love is seen. That is when we must open our hearts to see the deeper need.

Love is unconditional commitment to imperfect people. It can also be described as a unifying force; the most powerful force for change in our lives. When love is applied to our relationships, lives are changed.

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$10.95 from Yvonne

Conduct a class on the merits of love

Becoming a Student of Love

This 12-week 2-part study is a hands on program for those who desire to know how to apply God's love experientially by learning the attributes found in the book of I Corinthians 13, and applying them through a 30-day Love Challenge.

The principles found in Romans 2:1 show us about our own soul, and tells us that what we see in others is what is in us. If we are jealous, we see others as jealous. It is one of the primary themes of this study: to see our own soul.

There is a 30-day Love Challenge following the 12-week study course that will give those who attend your event an opportunity to make the Word become Flesh anywhere life takes them, whether at work, at school, or even in the grocery store. The content in this study guide is taken from the book, Love Is: A Unifying Force, and is recommended as a read along for those attending your study event.

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$10.95 from Yvonne

Why suffering can be a beautiful thing

A Flower in the Garbage

This is Yvonne’s BEST SELLING BOOK – It's a wonderful and essential example about life principles and how they pertain to spiritual growth.

There’s a Flower in the Garbage shares aspects of real life lessons I learned while transforming our garbage dump into a flower garden. 1) We select the plot of ground; 2) we work it to make it fertile; 3) we plant the seed; and, 4) nurture it to maturity. The end result — a beautiful flower garden — exemplifies our own lives at various stages of growth.

The reader will see how our own deity within constantly reaches towards the deity of God to take us out of the garbage piles of life and transform us into spiritual flower gardens.

I received this understanding when my father gave me a project in 1986 of turning our 18-year-old garbage dump into a flower garden.

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$8.95 from Yvonne

For all who know the power of love

and for all who want to

And the Angels Danced

As in the lyrics of the finest ballads and spirituals, nothing can lift the soul to a higher level than poetic verse that flows from the inner life of the writer. Even if you have never developed a love or an appreciation for poetry, you owe it to yourself to sample this pure stream of inspired verse. You will feel the breathe of spirit and receive a lift to your soul.

Yvonne's poem, The Garden Within, was one of the 150 accepted from thousands of submissions for includion into the well known J. Mark Anthology, and Great Poets of the 21st Century. J. Mark books are referred to worldwide in public libraries and classrooms for significant current poetry. One of the 66 poems in this book: All men truly are created equal, it's just that we don't measure each other by the Spirit, rather we mesure each oher by good and evil. This is not the true measure of a man.

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$8.95 from Yvonne

Dig deep in the garden of your soul

My Daily Garden Journal: Nurturing the Garden Within

This 365-day working journal is a great tool that has been developed for the individual (or group) who desires that the Christ within help them grow into the authentic Image of who he or she was created to be. It is not meant to be an ordinary journal to simply record thought, although there is ample space for that.

Each month carries a theme for the reader/writer to concentrate on, such as : What areas of my life need to be set free?; People I need to forgive; Accepting who I was born to be, etc.

You are challenged to search the scriptures (or other sources) on the topic at hand to see what truth is revealed. At the end of the journal are blank pages to record your thoughts about the theme.

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$19.95 from Yvonne

a Personal Journal of Discovery

Getting to Know God

Through the Power of Prayer

There's something inside all of us, whether knowingly or subconsiously, that reaches for a connection with something a power greater than ourselves. Alcoholics Anonymous calls it, "Higher Power". New Thought people call it, "The Universe". Other faith religions call it, "God". I call it, "Christ" (Colossians 1:27: ... Christ in us the hope of glory).

Truth is, Spirit is not picky about the name we call it. However we wish to refer to the source of our exhistence, life tends to box us in to create a funnel for us to slip through to reach the place of connection with our divine source.

In the KJ bible, there are 107 verses on the word prayer, 306 for pray, 14 for meditate, and 8 on commune. God wants to hear us; to feel us.

Buy Getting to Know God Through the Power of Prayer

$8.95 from Yvonne


Inspiration for my book:

Anna's Friends Series

Anna's Friends

Have you met Anna and her friends?

Anna's Friends Children's Book Series helps identify motivational gifts in your children. These are fun stories and adventures for the whole family.

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